Sunday, October 13, 2019

Full Moon in Aries 2019

In many ways, 2019 has been a challenging year. For me personally, there were health challenges and other crazy, chaotic moments. For one friend, it was a traumatic relationship. For another, the death of an intimate friend. For a third, one major household issue after another.

We have been in a crucible and are preparing to blow off the ashes and step into some significant shifts. This Aries Full Moon is set to guide our way from self-imposed limits to freedom, to bring us out from behind our masks.

Full Moons are about completion, fulfillment of a cycle. This one, called the Hunter's Moon, is no different, yet it also brings a sense of new beginnings with its energy in Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac. The change this Full Moon brings is drastic and transformative, revolutionary even. It's a time to take action, not sit by the sidelines waiting for someone else to take charge. This Moon is about our personal Independence and confidence adding our power into that of the collective. It fans our spark of competitiveness to defeat any monsters that may come our way.

This Full Moon is in a square to Pluto, demanding that we bring ourselves out from behind our guides and into the full light of our power. The Sun squaring Pluto the day after the Full Moon means that whatever hides in the deepest caverns of our psyched must be dealt with. We reach for our truest selves amidst any grief over the transformations the light forces us to take. We are heading toward our destinies.

This is all coming during Libra Season, our inspiration to transform what is out of balance. Libra is also a constant in holding us accountable and aware of the balance of justice. During this Aries Full Moon, it especially reminds us not to forsake ourselves. Even if the world attempts to cut us to shreds, we need to not add to the injustice by doing the same to ourselves.

What are you holding onto that is weighing you down and preventing you from shining more of your energy out into the world? What hidden elements are coming to light for you? How will you dust off the ash from the crucible of 2019 as we prepare to enter 2020?

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