Sunday, June 9, 2013

Under a Certain Little Star

by Wislawa Szmborska
My apologies to chance for calling it necessity.
My apologies to necessity in case I'm mistaken.
Truth, do not pay me too much attention.
Solemnity, be magnanimous toward me.
Bear with me, O mystery of being, for pulling threads from your veil.
Soul, don't blame me that I've got you so seldom.
I know that as long as I live nothing can excuse me,
since I am my own obstacle.
Do not hold it against me, O speech, that I borrow weighty words,
and then labor to make them light.

I love this snippet of her poem. That first couplet startled me with the very idea of apologizing to a concept.... no sooner is one apology completed then another scurries on its heels, just "in case I'm mistaken." I can decidedly relate ~~ on occasion being mistaken about both Chance and Necessity.

My favorite lines:
Bear with me, O mystery of being, for pulling threads from your veil.
Soul, don't blame me that I've got you so seldom.

To what part of your being do you owe an apology? For what would you apologize? With which concepts or thoughts do you dance? What would you say to them?

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