Friday, May 6, 2016

New Moon in Taurus

This New Moon is in Taurus. Although the constellation of Taurus is masculine, the zodiac sign is aligned with Mother Earth. It would seem that this New Moon brings with it the balancing of Feminine and Masculine.
Taurus is also about wildness and fertility which are prevalent everywhere you look in Nature at this time of year.

The New Moon in Taurus is about grounding deeply into Mother Earth and discovering the best ways of being present. Being present is probably one of the most difficult tasks we have. It requires us to stay awake and aware. This is also a time of the sacred pause in the midst of movement. That pause affords us the time to be present now.

Remember all the retrograde planets: Jupiter until May 9th, Mercury until May 22nd, Mars until June 29th, Saturn until August 13th, and Pluto until September 26th. Lots of pausing in the world around us in order to be aware and alive with Presence. The retrograde planets provide the opportunity to dig into our past and clear it out so we can move cleanly and positively into the future.

As we pause and find that sacred space to be present, we focus on our internal motivator. We can also refine the direction we want to take and discover if where we're going and what motivates us is in sync. We have the opportunity to connect with what triggers us and let go of the ways of being that no longer serve us.

What triggers you? What are you ready to let go of? How will you take the time to be more fully present? How will you determine what serves your objectives at the moment and what does not?

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